Walk Away From The Goatlife - Choose a Life of Significance
You only have one life, and you get to choose what it will stand for. Why not make the highest investment you ever could: significance in th

How To See God's Vision For Your Life
In order to see God's vision for your life, you must take into account your history, your vision for yourself, your prayer life and your

We Wanna Be Like Them
There's a temptation to compare yourself to other people. Especially when things aren't as we'd like them to be. But the only wo

God of the Valley
Sometimes we relegate God to a convenient corner of our lives. But God is not just the Lord of your hills. He's also the Lord of your va

The Five D's of Getting Things Done (Part One - Desire!)
In order to get things done, you must cultivate a strong desire. There must be an internal drive toward the goal. Without desire your task i