Embrace Your God-Given Identity
God created us all with gifts and talents. True joy is found in embracing yours and serving others as the Lord leads.

When It Doesn't Add Up
What do you do when your reality doesn't add up to your expectations of God? (1) Face facts (2) Exercise your faith (3) Act on your faith!

It's Not Too Late
You may feel it's too late for you, but it's not. The Bible promises those planted in God will be fresh and flourishing even in old

Why Aren't You Happy?
There is a God-sized hole in the heart of every human. Only God can fill that space, and your joy depends on it.

When Your Life Flies Off The Handle
Every so often, life seems to fly off the handle. The pandemic shook the world. But it didn't catch God by surprise. Call on Him Now!

How To See God's Vision For Your Life
In order to see God's vision for your life, you must take into account your history, your vision for yourself, your prayer life and your

The Truth About Famines
This post is the first of my "Faith on Friday" Blog Series. In these posts, I'll discuss matters of faith and how they interse

Who Are You Clinging To?
When life serves up a crisis there are usually two choices served up with it. You can go it alone or you can cling to someone (or something)

Don't Ignore The Word Of God
In the past month or so I've been spending my Quiet Time with God in the Book of Revelation. More on that to come! I'm in chapter 12...

How To Heal From Emotional Exhaustion
I was recently asked to speak on the topic of how to heal from emotional exhaustion. The story that immediately jumped to mind was the...