Why Having a Transcendent Purpose Matters
We are called to something transcendent. The question is whether we will stop to discover what it is, and to do it.

Walk Away From The Goatlife - Choose a Life of Significance
You only have one life, and you get to choose what it will stand for. Why not make the highest investment you ever could: significance in th

The Truth About Transition
Transition sucks. It’s no-man’s-land. It’s being in the middle of the desert, undecided whether to go forward, backward or nowhere at...

The Five D's of Getting Things Done (Part Four - Discipline)
Getting things done requires discipline. In order to strengthen your discipline you should become accountable, automate the process, stay co

The Five D's of Getting Things Done (Part Three - Design)
To get things done, you've got to design a plan that works. Put your plans in writing, gather an excellent team, and self-assess often.

The Five D's of Getting Things Done (Part Two - Direction)
In order to get things done, you need to have a clear direction. Without a clear direction, you will wander aimlessly. Clarify your directio

Ten Leaders to Avoid Becoming - Part One
I've had the privilege of leading diverse organizations in the business, nonprofit and faith-based worlds. Although those worlds vary,...

The Myth of the Born Leader
I know that I’ll step on a few toes when I say that it’s a myth that people are born leaders. I’m sure I've already offended some of the...

Put Your Ducks in a Row Before You Start Shooting
On my way to the courthouse the other day I received a frantic call from a client. I heard the excitement in his voice. I had to tell him...