How To Know God's Vision For Your Life
Do you know God's vision for your life? That's a loaded question.
The question assumes that God is real. It assumes that he has a vision for your life. And it also assumes that you can know that vision.
I've been thinking a lot about vision lately.
At this moment I believe it's one of the most important things you can possess. Without a vision (defined as a picture of your preferred future) you're stuck wherever you are today, or worse, in your past.
An authentic, God-given vision is the Secret Sauce for an abundant life.
Some years ago, God gave me a flash of insight.
Lifted from the Hall of Fame of Faith in the New Testament was the blueprint for anyone who ever received a vision from God.
It's over 2000 years old, but it's still the formula for anyone who wants to know. It stunned me with its simplicity, but there it was, a road-map to decode God's vision in any situation. The Scripture broke it down like this.
First you must see the vision. It stands to reason that you can't have something that you can't even visualize. You need a mental picture of the preferred future.
Second, you must be persuaded (i.e., believe) the vision. Don't kid yourself. You won't commit long-term to something you don't believe in.
Third, you must embrace (act upon) the vision. Action is proof that you believe the vision. Without action, your belief is nonexistent.
Fourth, you must persist in the vision. It is by continuing in the vision that you leave a legacy. Without persistence, your vision will ultimately fade away.
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