"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God." Colossians 3:1
In Colossians, Chapter 3, the Apostle Paul gives a list of what it means to live a new life in Christ. There are 8 specific things listed there. Each of them represents a powerful prayer or affirmation that you should practice.
His first encouragement is to "set your heart on things above."
The way this breaks down for me is that "things above" are my targets, and Paul wants me to set my heart on them.
By "things above" Paul is referring to God's business. Much like when Jesus stated to Joseph and Mary that He was about His Father's business in Luke 2:49.
The list of what constitutes the Father's business is broad, and it's also personal. But, for the purposes of this passage, and how to apply it to your life, think of it as:
Spending time with God in Bible study and prayer
Serving others with your time, talents, and treasure
Discovering and fulfilling God's purposes in your life
Demonstrating love for your family and fellow man
So, you are to "set your mind" on these things, and not just on the pressures, pleasures and distractions of your own affairs.
How you're doing in each of these areas (and perhaps others you can think of) paints a picture of how and whether you are living the new life in Christ that Paul speaks of in this verse.
You may say, "That sounds good, but how do you live this out?"
It involves 3 steps: (1) Set (2) Your (3) Heart.
"Set" means to act intentionally. Each day you are to purposefully pursue the things of God or in Jesus's words: Be about your Father's business. This is not an after-thought. You do this on purpose.
"Your" refers to you! That is, set your own heart. It's not your job to decide how anyone else does the Father's business. Focus on what God is saying to you, and what He wants YOU to do.
"Heart" means more than the physical organ beating in your chest. Here, it means what you value and love.
When you intentionally navigate your own heart toward serving God, you will experience (in real life) all the promises of God you've already inherited (by faith) in Christ.
Jesus put it this way:
"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (your spiritual and material needs) will be given to you." Matthew 6:33
That is the starting point for living your new, abundant life in Christ!
Peace and love,
PS. Here are some other spiritual growth opportunities: