Your Dream Lives!

In the 5th chapter of Mark, a story is told of a man named Jairus who invited Jesus to his house to heal his dying daughter. Jesus agreed to his request, but on the way, they were met by a group of people who had been with the child.
This is what they said to Jairus: “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?”
Jesus ignored the comment and responded with five powerful words: “Do not be afraid; only believe.” He then walked past the naysayers and entered the house where friends and family were weeping over the loss of the child. He assured them the child would recover, but they laughed in His face.
This time, rather than ignoring the doubters, He put them out of the room and went to the girl with only her parents and His three closest disciples by His side. He then took her hand and uttered the words, “Talitha Cumi,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.”
Immediately she arose and was reunited with her parents.
Sometimes things in our lives appear to be dead. It may be a treasured dream, a relationship or aspiration. Don’t be fooled by appearances; as long as the Lord is in the picture, what seems dead may yet live.
A time may arrive when it’s time to give up, but until that day comes, remain in hope and remain in faith. Jesus is Lord of all and He specializes in the impossible.
When the doubters come; ignore them. If you can’t ignore them then get away from them. This is also true of your own doubtful thoughts. Learn to recognize and dismiss them; learn to change the channel.
Remember Jesus’ words: “Do not be afraid; only believe.”
And when the doubters tell you that your hope is dead, say boldly, “Talitha Cumi– My dream lives!”
If you'd like to pursue the question of God's vision for your life, please join us in our God's Vision Mentoring Circle.
In that Mentoring Circle, Sharon and I will lead a 5-week online discussion about how you can explore, identify, and then fulfill God's vision for your life.
It is bound to be an eye-opening journey of personal exploration and satisfaction.
See you in the Circle!
PS! Please consider purchasing my new e-Book, "God Help Me I'm Stressed." Learn how to access the power of God to overcome stress and anxiety!
Wayne and Sharon