Life Demands A Big Ask
Why is it that we clam to follow a Big God, but we fail to make a Big Ask? The short answer is: It's not God who's afraid of the Big
You Can't Take it With You
Remember that wealth isn't meant to be piled up and admired. It's meant to be put back into the service of God and of people.
We Wanna Be Like Them
There's a temptation to compare yourself to other people. Especially when things aren't as we'd like them to be. But the only wo
Beware Shortcuts
"The longest distance between two points is a shortcut." John Maxwell. Wayne Gill's Faith on Friday Series. Be wary of shortcu
How To Know God's Vision For Your Life
You can know God's vision for your life. To do so, you must see the vision, believe it, act on it, then persist in it. Sounds easy, right?
Enter In!
When God issues an invite, the only response should be to enter in. Don't be like those who lose out on their blessings due to unbelief.
Your Dream Lives!
In life there will always be doubters. Even Jesus was doubted. Speak words of faith to your doubts and to your doubters!
God Never Dries Up
Sometimes it may feel as if your well of blessings has run dry. Where there was once a flow, there appears dryness. But God never dries up!
Life In The Age Of King Solomon
In times of crisis it's common to yearn for a "golden age" gone by. In so doing, we often glorify the past. But material prosp
Don't Do God's Work For Him
God is not looking for you to help yourself. He wants you to bring your cares and burdens to Him. Let Him do the heavy lifting.